I want to add a detuned osc playing at pitch Fd, lets call it OD(Fd) , to a main osci at pitch F, called OM(F) . I see 2 options.
- Detune using
Fd = F+ delta
for every note, delta being a small quantity
giving then :
aout = 1/2 * [ OM(F)+ OD(F +delta) ]
- Or use a multiplying factor of the initial frequence
Fd = (1 +delta ) * Freq
giving then :
aout = 1/2 * [ OM(F)+ OD( (1 +delta ) * F) ]
Of course both works, but the results is definitely not the same. The first solution is giving a fixed detune tone in Hz (which is providing a different acoustic feeling depending on the pitch of the main osc), whilst the second one is creating a fixed interval.
So please , which solution is the best (or the most used in synthesisers)?
Or is there any other way to reach this goal ?
Any advice is welcome.
Thank you.