Consequently, it is impossible to create a new effect or instrument in Ubuntu 16.04 because of the current Zenity issue (
New Cabbage... does not honour Use native file dialog
Thanks Guillermo, I’ll look into it. In the meantime, did you try to simply edit the AppConfig.h file:
Thanks Rory. I’ve tried passing -DJUCE_DISABLE_NATIVE_FILECHOOSERS=1 as it said in the JUCE thread but it didn’t work. Just to be clear, what it want is to enable Native file chooser, right?
Anyway, I can’t try it yet because I’ve just recompiled Csound from develop and now Cabbage is complaining about not finding pffft.h. I’ll have to take a look at that first.
What is that about? Maybe it has something to do with the new PaulStrectch opcode? I’m not sure if you need to disable or enable native chooser. I find that disabling them, and forcing Cabbage to use the JUCE choosers, works in most cases. The native choosers seem to be hit and miss.
Apparently it’s a new header that wasn’t in 6.06. It’s in develop, but for some reason it doesn’t get copied when you “sudo make install”.
Couldn’t make the flag thing work. But why compiler flags when there is an option in the Preferences menu just for choosing that?
This works:
void StandaloneFilterWindow::saveFileAs()
bool showNative = cUtils::getPreference(appProperties, "ShowNativeFileDialogues");
FileChooser saveFC(String("Save Cabbage file as..."), File::nonexistent, String("*.csd"), showNative);
Altough, it leads to duplication of code. Maybe there is a way to set/update showNative from outside every File Dialogue function (Open, Save, Save as). Also because
is called before SaveAs, the File dialogue opens with a white skin instead of the blackish one used when you Open.
I’m going to have to update to 16.04 in the next week or so. I guess I’m going to happen upon the same problems as you. I think I added the option to enable them using the menu after I added the compile flags. After that I most likely just forgot to tidy it all up.