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No comunication from csound to cabbage 2.1.01 using chnset

Hello Rory.

I have just install Cabbage 2.1.01 on Windows7 and comunication from Csound to Cabbage does not work.
For example, I try to send a message (chnset) to cabbage from an orchestra…
panel.csd (900 Bytes)

This code works on Windows 8.1 but not in Windows 7
This code did work before (Cabbage 2.02)

On the other hand when I open Button.csd (examples\widgets) button “Enable Tone” plays the sound but the “Randomly Updated Idenfiers” Panel does not work.
Is there something missing?



What audio drivers are you using? We are seeing an issue with Windows Audio if you don’t have the device sample rate set to 44100Hz. On the other hand it seems to always work with any ASIO drivers. Do you have ASIO4ALL installed? If not would you try installing it and then running the example again. Needless to say it works fine here and on a range of other PCs I’ve tested on.

Hello Rory
Thanks for reply.
It’s okay:
With DirectSound, ASIO4ALL, communication does not work with a sample rate other than 44100.
However only with sample 44100 it works!



OK, that’s even worse then. I thought this was only a Windows Audio issue. Good to know, and I can even recreate the issue now as soon as I change sampling rates.