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No one can see my plugin?

I built compressor plugin for win and mac but no one can see my plugin in their DAWs.Cubase adding to blacklist and Reaper can’t see.But with my DAWs,i can see my plugins.

How can i fix this?


Is the architecture the same? (32-bit and 64-bit) Did you only make VSTs or also AU plugins? I have only tried exporting to VST as I have no Mac.
With VST, you need to provide both the VST and the .csd file in the same folder. You can read more about distributing here:

Did you provide your users with an installation of Csound? It does need it in order to function. You could make an installer that installs all in one.

Thanks for reply.

So all users must install Csound,right?

That’s correct. You probably should make an installer that distributes it along with the plugin. Please refer to the link I’ve posted above for the detailed instructions, as I have never done it myself.