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oscili source code

I wanted to look over the source code for the oscili opcode to begin to get an idea of how to add my own oscillator opcodes to csound. I’m guessing I can gain a good understanding of how csound handles buffers and such in the backend by looking at how oscili or vco, vco2 are coded.

I’ve been combing through the github files for csound and can’t find anything for the oscillator opcodes.
Can anyone provide a direct link?

Hi @ghostchamb3r., Welcome to the forum. I believe most of the basic oscillators are contained in the ugens source files. The vco2 stuff is here. If you are interesting in writing some opcodes for Csound, then looking through the Csound source isn’t going to be all that helpful. You should really check out the opcode sdk. This is the best, and recommended, way of developing new opcodes for Csound.

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