add on to my last post, but i felt like this should be a new topic since its a new issue.
Found a way to do the Filters, and now the plugin is functioning the way i originally intended. However, after showing it to some people and getting feedback on its function, i would like to expand its functionality. What i would like to do is be able to is pass midi information to the effect plugin, and make the resonances occur on the keys pressed. This however presents multiple questions.
1- How do i go about passing midi to the effect? how do i make sure this will work with DAWs? Should i need to include controls to change the midi channel and port?
2- How do i assign one frequency to one note? or in other words, make sure every note has one resonance associated with it?
3- How would i make this scalable? would it be best to create an individual opcode that creates a singe resonance, and then make that occur at every note?
I realize this is a complicated topic, with a lot of questions, so i appreciate the effort in answering.