Hi @rorywalsh ,thanks again for your help with the last issue. again any help would be fantastic, I am trying to pitch shift the audio files by a random amount within say plus or minus two semi tones on each button press. I know its possible to pitch shift the audio file by adjusting kpitch after diskin2. I am just wondering is it possible to do randomize the pitch this way or am I going about this the wrong way.
instr 11
a1, a2 diskin2 "OneShot1.wav", .9
kVol chnget "volumeSlider4"
kToggle chnget "OneShotLPF"
kReverbSize chnget "reverbMix"
kReverbCutoff chnget "reverbCutoff"
kReverbMix chnget "reverbMix"
kCutoff = 1000
if kToggle == 1 then
a1 butlp a1, kCutoff
a2 butlp a2, kCutoff
aLReverb, aRReverb reverbsc a1, a2, kReverbSize, kReverbCutoff
aOutL = a1 * (1 - kReverbMix) + aLReverb * kReverbMix
aOutR = a2 * (1 - kReverbMix) + aRReverb * kReverbMix
outs aOutL * kVol, aOutR * kVol