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Plugin Automation

Hello everybody! Does someone know if it is possible to do like a “pre-automatization”, before opening a plugin?

For example, ON Open Plugin:
Volume Widget(1-100) -> Move between 10-40 alternatively, constantly.

Any suggestions?

Couldn’t you use an LFO to do this? Or am I missing something?

kVol oscil 15, 1
chnset kVol, "volumeSlider"


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Thank you, interesting, It can work like that, but it not what I meant. What I meant was instead of using a slider, to have already a code programmed before open the plugin, like a “invisible-slider” that is going to be moving automatically from A to B value, changing a parameter constantly, not necessarily volume.

For example, using a slider in DAW in real-time, we can automate the volume of a track.
Ok, now the question is:
It is possible to program something like this before playing a note for a parameter/channel?
Let me now If I explain myself.

I’m not sure I understand, but all widgets can have a default value set so they move to that value when the plugin loads. And the same automation you use for other plugins in a DAW also works for Cabbage plugins. I may need a little more info to fully follow what you want to achieve…

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Example in Pseudo-code:


Move VALUE of VOLUME from 0 to 100 IN 3 SECONDS;
//Comment: After three seconds do code below//
Move VALUE of VOLUME from 100 to 0 IN 3 SECONDS;


It could be something like that.

This could be done similar to how Rory suggested. I’d do this with an oscillator with an amp of 50 (it will scale -50 to 50), and then add it to 50, giving you a scale of 0 to 100… and set the frequency of the oscillator as 1/3, aka once every three seconds.

for example:

kVol oscil 50, 1/3
chnset kVol+50, "volumeSlider"

This is also pseudocode, so I may have messed something up… but as long as your widget also shares the channel name “volumeSlider”, it should continuously move between 0 and 100 once every 3 seconds.

Think of cabbage as a way to create widgets that correspond to channels which can be accessed in csound, but then csound is the actual language that does the math and processing aspects behind the scenes.

Hopefully this helps!

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Eye opener answer, beautiful. I know how to program but I just need to get used to Csound, as well to its tools.

@rorywalsh @t_grey Thank you!