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presetChannel in .psts file

Today I found that if I call some presets from the menu generated by

presetbutton bounds(320, 70, 110, 20) channel("presetChannel"), presetNameAsText(1) userFolder("quasi", "*.psts"), textColour(255), highlightedItemColour(10, 147, 210) highlightedTextColour(255, 255, 255), fontsize(20)

from REAPER it hangs without an error message and I can only kill REAPER from the task manager.

Comparing those .psts files causing that I found that they include

“presetChannel”: “C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\Cabbage\quasi\OneBar\Ngbaka-Maibo CB.psts”,

but those working properly

“presetChannel”: “”,

OK. I can fix that by editing the lines. But what sense does it make to write a full path of a .psts file into a .psts file? Wouldn’t it be better to ignore the channel?

And actually it is not the path to the file itself but to the last active .psts file before the “Save as” action.

Very similar here. (Cubase 5 / Win7)
Cubase does not crash, but somehow the wrong sounds are loaded.
Haven’t had time to test this.
That’s why I haven’t posted anything about it yet.
Saving the path of PresetChannel in the sound file for no reason seems to lead to inconsistencies somehow.
If I remember correctly, it also worked better for me when replacing ‘PresetChannel’ with an empty string.

Hi guys, thanks for the report. Does it help if you add presetIgnore(1) to the presetbutton?

I already tried this. But as mentioned in another post this only prevents the channel being shown in the DAW automation but still writes the channel/value to the psts file. But I will try the empty-channel-name-trick of @jockel.

Thanks rory for the quick response.
I tried that but it didn’t help.