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Proposed change to slider fontcolour() and textcolour()

I would like to swap the meaning of textcolour() and fontcolour() for sliders. Due to a rather stupid design decision by me textcolour() controls the colour of the slider’s label, while fontcolour() controls the colour of the numerical textbox font. My thinking was that textcolour() would colour the text passed to text(). Anyhow, in hindsight, it was rather dumb. If I make the change it will mean some existing GUIs might look a little different. But ultimately it will lead to more consistency across widgets.

If anyone has any strong objections please say so.


if this post is the result of my latest, i would like to indicate that in the Cabbage manual in the “button” page, is not indicated the “textbox” identifier and this is the reason because I used fontcolour…

you know my dependence on manual … :wink:

My personal opinion at your post is: no problem! Do what you think is right.


But button does not have a textcolour() identifier? Anyhow, you thought to use fontcolour() because it makes sense that fontcolour() changes the colour of the font. That’s why I think it needs a change. I’ll let is sit for a few days. If no one else has any objections I’ll go ahead and change it.


it works perfectly textbox, just that I had not found among the identifiers in the manual… :grin:

many thanks