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Recording midi event to file from csound

Could anyone show me how to record all incoming midi events to cabbage patch into a midi file (.mid)>

I wish to make a simple instrument with one button allowing to record the messages that are send to my synth .
ie. in the cabbage patcher Cabbage -> MidiREcorder -> Synt h->Audio output

I tried the FLOSS manual example without success. I suspect that it is related to the fact that cabbage has its own midi management.
Many thanks.

I’ve never written any MIDI files with Csound but I don’t see why it shouldn’t work. MIDI is clearly getting to the instrument. And I know MIDI output works because many instruments use it. Does it at least create a MIDI file when you use the MIDI file output command line flags?

I just tried this here and I couldn’t get Csound to create a simple MIDI file for me. I’m not sure if why it doesn’t work. A work around would be to store the MIDI notes as text values, but it’s a bit of work.

I managed to get a MIDI file created, although there are errors with it, but at least it’s progress. Try the following file. It generate MIDI output, and tries to write it to a file as the same time.

deleteable.csd (485 Bytes)