Some of the items in a combobox seems to behave in a slippery manner, that means: when selected, the combobox somehow slips back to the previous item in the list. For example, in the attached example, if ‘pitch’ is selected, the combobox resets itself to ‘env_dyn’. I’ve tried to replicate the matter with different number of items in the combobox, and different text for the items. This seems to affect the behaviour, but it is hard to pint down exacly.
As a first step, could you test the attached example, set the first combobox to ‘pitch’ and the second combobox to ‘seven’. See what happens, and note the numbers printed in the csound output widget. Use it in a DAW, save the project and reopen, and see if the selected item is the same as saved. Sometimes it will slip back to previous item immediately, sometimes it will happen when reopening a saved project.
form size(520, 150), caption("Combobox recall"), pluginID("com1")
combobox channel("source1_parm1"), bounds(10, 10, 100, 20), items("rms", "rms_dB", "transient", "trans_dens", "env_crest", "env_dyn", "pitch", "s_centroid", "s_spread", "s_skewness", "s_kurtosis", "s_flatness", "s_crest", "s_flux", "rhythm_irreg", "rhythm_cons", "rhyt_con_dev", "ra_flux", "ra_crest", "mfcc1", "mfcc2", "mfcc3", "mfcc_diff"), value(1)
combobox channel("test"), bounds(110, 10, 100, 20), items("one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "tem", "eleven", "twelve", "thirtn", "fourtn", "fiftn", "sixtn", "svntn", "eigtn", "nintn", "twenty", "twone", "ttwo", "tthree", "tfour"), value(1)
csoundoutput bounds(10, 30, 500, 95) text("Output")
-n -d -m0d
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1
instr 1
k1 chnget "source1_parm1"
printk2 k1
k2 chnget "test"
printk2 k2, 10
#define SCORELEN #86400#