Hi Rory,
I was using a combobox with *.snaps and channeltype(“string”) to get the snapshot’s file name that is being loaded. I noticed that the size in the Array contained in ::text wasn’t being refreshed in refreshDiskReadingGUIControls. I made a patch (-p1 inside the cabbage directory). Do you think it’s Ok?
Also, is it possible to have filebuttons(*.snaps) trigger their channel like any unlatched button? That way you would know when saving took place. Other solution would be to have a SNAPSHOT_FILENAME channel. I tried that and it only takes 2 lines.
Do you plan on leaving texteditors as ‘layout’ or are they going to become ‘interactive’ now?
Finally, I noticed you tend to call setParameterNotifyingHost and then follow it with setParameter. Being that setParameterNotifyingHost calls SetParameter itself, aren’t you calling it twice?
Anyway, I had enough JUCE for today. I’m probably going to switch to beer for the rest of the evening.
SetTextwithArray.txt (1.0 KB)