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Snapshot problems and combobox as radiobuttons (fixed)


I have new problems with combobox/populate(*.snap):

when I make one snapshot and restart Cabbage, it crashes istantanely… if you delete the preset done OR comment the populate("*.snaps"), Cabbage don’t crash…


  • It’s possible to delete, copy/paste and rename the various presets directly on the “Save at” window?
  • It’s possible to modifiyng the appearance of combobox? (adding the identifier “textbox()”)
    “textbox(0)”, is the default combobox
    “textbox(1)”, appears similar at one radiobuttons (one button turn off the others, only one is checked)…



I’m not noticing anything like that when I save a preset. Can you provide an example .csd? If you make the checkboxes part of a radiogroup then turning on one will turn off the others. Check out the RadioButtons examples from the ‘Instructional’ menu.


I simply rewrite the Addictive.csd for adding preset manager, but probably something wrong.
when you’ve saved 2 presets, try switching from one to another. The synth crashes and not restart. If you try to put in the same folder another synth with presets manager, even this does not start/restart. (but if you delete the presets, the synth restart again)…

maybe I’m wrong my code :cold_sweat:

Many thanks,


Additive Beta.csd (9.9 KB)

I’m not noticing any problems here on Linux. After I save two presets I can happily swap between then. I will try my Windows build later and test there.

However, your point about having presets from different instruments in the same directory is something I hadn’t ever considered. Its clear that it may case confusion. I just checked the populate() identifier and it seems that one can’t use relative paths. You must supply a full path. This is not ideal. I’ll fix that later.

p.s. did you get a private message from me yesterday about the new Windows installer? I’m just curious to see if sending private messages works. And considering you are now the number one beta tester for Windows, it’s probably best to notify you directly!


many thanks for your patience.
The private message is one mail with title “Cabbage Audio Forum digest”? If it, yes, one mail has arrived…

if comment the populate identifier, (and the presets are in the path of .csd) Cabbage open the synth, but if I uncomment the identifier (with another text editor) and open one preset, Cabbage crashes…


Can you send me your preset files? And a screenshot of the folder that your presets are in?


the private message was the email ? :sweat_smile:
even if it moves the .snaps files in “E:\New folder”, I have the same problems…

ps: the site prevents me to upload .snaps files


I’ve updated the Windows installers again. Can you try with the latest ones? I’ve tried many different ways to break Cabbage with snapshots, but it’s just not happening for me. I hope the problems you had were because of me accidentally uploaded a debug version yesterday rather than a release build.

ok, 10 min… :wink:

… same problem. I wish it was not my code…


is my synth!! I try with another synth and it’s work with snap… :cold_sweat:

I’ve updated the forum so you can attach snaps files. If you send me the instrument and the snaps files I should be able to work out what’s going wrong.


I don’t uderstand what’s I wrong…
The snapshots are simply: moved 2 sliders. This synth don’t work only when I saved presets: If I comment the populate or delete the snaps, it reopens…

007 - Additive Beta.csd (10.6 KB)

snapshot_2.snaps (476 Bytes)

That was a good one. Turns out having spaces in your file name was causing invalid XML data to be saved to your snaps files. I’ve just uploaded two new installers. Can you try one of them out and let me know if it fixes the problem? Seems to be fine here, with or without spaces in the file name.


I renamed the synth and now works correctly! I removed spaces in the synth name… Many thanks Rory!



Yes, the new installer, support the “spaced-name” … :wink:

PS: if the preset name is “2016.02.Bell”, Cabbage named this preset only “2016”; but if is “2016_02_Bell” the name is corrected

Many Thanks


Great. With regards to point 2, there is a general rule that you shouldn’t use a . in a file name other than for a file extensions because the applications opening them will get confused as to what the actual file extension is. I’d rather enforce good practice regarding naming of files them support dots in file names :wink: Btw, that issue of py.dll should also be solved now. I think it’s almost time for a proper release now.

Btw, you may have noticed that the slider velocity is not working anymore. It is, but you need to use the new velocity() identifier. I had to add this so that older instruments behave the same as they always did. Adding a velocity(1) will cause your rslider to behave with velocity sensitivity. I’m trying to add the same for horizontal and vertical sliders but something it not quite right there yet.