Hey Rory,
I have just a few quick questions…
Going through the docs here and I see that AU export is still in beta, yes? How exactly do I export an AU? I only see a VST option in the latest beta build for OSX.
I also saw the disclaimer about the AU not saving plugin settings and the user needing to manually load the .csd the first time. Do you have a timeframe for when this will be solved?
The docs say that a .txt file will be exported with the .vst - however only the .vst is exported by itself. Has this changed? Or is it referencing the original .csd?
And one last question - how do you recommend distributing Csound with the installer for OSX? We have experience building our own installers but we have never had to bundle external code. We are using packagemaker on OSX but I am confused about how to include Csound.
BTW - our test product is coming out very nice! I can’t thank you enough for all the hard work you’ve put into Cabbage.