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Sound desgin


As Csound can do almost every sound, I was wondering how the sound which is used in film for sword fights and the sound used in this song at time 3min 34 sec could be done>
does any one have a recipe ?

Many thanks for help.

I don’t have the foggiest idea, but if I was you I would run the sample through a spectrogram and see what you can see? At least it might give you some info about pitching, harmonic content etc. You may get lucky, it might be relatively simple to synthesis! :smirk:

Ohh I wish I could do… but i am so far from knowing all these :frowning:
For now I am just trying to make very simple midi synth… and I am struggling with sound level… so really really I am far from being able to synthesize such a sound …maybe in 100 years :slight_smile:

The ‘sword being drawn’ sound is basically two parts: the sword being drawn and the resonance when the sword is free. The resonance part could be created using using modal synthesis and you could analyse the modes using, as Rory suggests, a spectrogram. The first part is like a damped metal plate with changing point of damping, so this could be created using a double waveguide - this is implemented by the ‘wguide2’ opcode. I might have a crack at recreating this sound if I find some time…

Yes please :wink:

+1 ! Thank you !
Should you have little time :smile:

Try this!
EnGarde.csd (5.6 KB)

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You are simply a genius! Thank you a lot!!
It is going to take me ages to understand your code… Keep me busy:-)