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Sound Swizzler

Heyo! North here, once again.
Sadly I haven’t had much time the last few weeks to work on my other modular project, as I have been spending a lot of that time on this project for class!
I was planning on adding a few more features before posting it here, but I figure there’s no harm in putting it up early. All it really is is a program that can modulate the pitch of an audio file using an LFO. Nothing too crazy, but I do like how it sounds!
I do plan on adding a built-in help page soon as well as adding a loop button so you don’t have to keep restarting the audio.
I included some samples of my own, so feel free to mess around with them!
Hope y’all enjoy :slight_smile:

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Nice. I had lots of fun with the piano sample. A very small lfo frequency coupled with a lot of reverb creates very washy ambient textures. Next think you might try is a version that works with live input. You can pitch shift the incoming signal in many ways. The easiest is probably to use some of the pvs opcode, although they will introduce some latency. You can also do it in the time domain using variable delay lines. Thanks for sharing :+1:

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