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Soundfiler channels mis-match on Cabbage 2

Hey Rory, it’s been a while!

I was using soundfiler on Cabbage beta 7 I think. In the documentation it is mentioned that the channel identifier takes in 2 arguments, the starting sample position and ending sample position. I am able to replicate this behaviour on Cabbage 1. But on Cabbage 2, channel 1 gives the difference in position between start and end, and channel 2 outputs zero all the time. Has the channel mapping changed?

No, I just failed to implement it correctly! I’ll get that sorted. Remind me again, you’re on Windows right?

I got a Mac air recently! I’ve been working on that for a while.

Nice one. I don’t suppose you wish to set up a Cabbage build on it? The reason I ask is that I won’t have access to a Mac until late August, so Mac users will have to wait till then for the next release :frowning: I can help you set it up if you want to try it out. Note however that you will need to install Xcode, which takes up quite a large chunk of space! @Karamel1 has recently started building on Windows, so we have that OS covered.

Oh no worries! I’ve got Xcode installed already, I can pull down the project from your git repo and build it on my machine. Just to get the repo correct, is this the one?

There doesn’t seem to be a distinction between version 1 and 2.

this is the right repo:

Thanks @Karamel1, I’ll post here if I have problems while building, cheers!

Before you try building Cabbage I’d suggest you first try to build a few of the JUCE example plugins. That way you’ll know if you have all the relevant parts set up Ok.