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Suggestion for Cabbage2 editor

Hello Rory,
I notice with the editor the following thing :
Open 2 files
Go to a line at the end of the first file for editing it
Switch tab to browse through the 2nd file click on any line
Go back to first file …

The editor point at the beginning of the file , the cursor is not there anymore.

While trying to compare files together, it would be good if the editor could remember the position of the cursor in every tab.
Hope this helps

Good point. I’ll look into it.

This is fixed now. It’ll be in the next beta.

@rorywalsh : Thank you.

Another suggestion : Whilst being in edit mode for the GUI , it would be great if one could move the selected item(s) with the arrow keys. At this time , only the mouse is available and it is not necessarily very accurate.
Hope this helps.

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This works well now in latest beta. @rorywalsh :wink: Thank you !

Next proposals for improvement would be :

  • when on “Edit mode” , widget window would be always on top because editing the properties in property menu brings it behind the editor window. Changes are therefore a little difficult.

  • Should it be possible, a left click on the widget window top bar bringing a menu with a list of Cabbage widget for an easy insert, would be great. (I did not find how to click and drag new widget to GUI except typing a text line in the editor). Maybe in Cabbage 3?

When in ‘edit-mode’ right click anywhere on the plugin window and you get a menu with widgets that can be inserted. You can enable/disable ‘always on top’ in the settings menu, although I guess it should never go behind the property panels. I’ll take a look.

The ability to move widgets around with arrow keys is now in GIT. It’ll be in the next release.