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Tests failing on Pluginval


I am trying to validate the VST3 version of my plugin using PluginVal.

Here is what the service outputs:

I’m wondering why this line appears:

2023-06-04T09:28:57.0643270Z WARNING: [mError opening plugin directory '/Users/rwalsh/Library/Frameworks/CsoundLib64.framework/Versions/6.0/Resources/Opcodes64': No such file or directory[m

The plugin is working on 90% of the devices I tried. Do you know how I could fix it? :slight_smile:



EDIT: Similar behaviour when I test it locally

I ran pluginval locally on the VST file instead, and it looks like it’s working (cf logs attached). Maybe an issue with their VST3 validation?

PluginVal_log_VST.txt (7.1 KB)

The only weird thing is that the latency is not reported correctly here (but it’s working for the VST3 one)

That warning is from Csound and can be ignored. It won’t have any affect on how your plugin runs. :+1:

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Thank you!