I dug up an old instrument out of my archives to be updated, this one uses the texteditor widget… a widget I haven’t used in QUITE some time!
I noticed it doesn’t have an outlinecolour() field. I feel like it should have that available similar to be able to match with nslider and the value box on other sliders types.
Also, it seems to have some minor parsing issues, particularly resetting the colours once they’ve already been set (at least when initiated using a macro). For reference, this will be similar to what I was trying to do in this thread: Redefining fontcolour() behavior bug? (nope! just my mistake)
Here’s a specific example for the problem:
I have a generic macro defined for most textboxes:
#define TEXTBOX texteditor colour(70,70,70,255), fontcolour(180,180,180,255)
and another for most nsliders:
#define NUMBOX nslider colour(70,70,70,255), outlinecolour(80,80,80,255), fontcolour(180,180,180,255)
and a color macro to override with when needed:
#define RED colour(160,60,60,240)
This one works, overriding the widget colour with the new one:
$NUMBOX bounds(10, 60, 105, 20), range(20,2000,50,1,1), channel("length"), $RED
However this one doesn’t:
$TEXTBOX bounds(10, 30, 220, 20), channel("number"), identchannel("number-c"), $RED