at this page of the beautiful floss manual
is write:
The Init Pass
Whenever a Csound instrument is called, all variables are set to initial values. This is called the initialization pass.
but a few paragraphs later is write:
k-Values and Initialization in Multiple Triggered Instruments
What happens on a k-variable if an instrument is called multiple times? What is the initialization value of this variable on the first call, and on the subsequent calls?
If this variable is not set explicitely, the init value in the first call of an instrument is zero, as usual. But, for the next calls, the k-variable is initialized to the value which was left when the previous instance of the same instrument turned off.
… I wondering if is correct what I have understand:
The Init Pass
Whenever a Csound instrument is called, the a and i variables are set to initial values (for the k variables see later). This is called the initialization pass.
thanks for support