Following on from a suggestion made by @Oeyvind, I’ve added a new feature that will package all auxiliary files into the .vst bundle on OSX. This is a neat idea and will no doubt save a lot of frustration from end users who had to manually bundle this stuff in the past. For now users can include a new < CabageIncludes > section in their source code.
When export as plugin is selected Cabbage will copy these files to the same directory as the .csd file, or in the case of OSX, into the plugin bundle.
So, I’ve two questions.
is having a new section for these things Ok? I could also have added an include() identifier, but I think there is something to be said for having a simple line-by-line list of files rather than having them all on a single line. Note that the < CabbageInclude > section can be located outside the < Cabbage > section. I imagine I’ll put it at the bottom of my .csd files to avoid clutter.
Should Cabbage automatically create a new plugin folder when exporting on Windows and Linux? It might make things easier to organise and would be easy to do. So each new plugin would live in it’s own unique folder.
Any thoughts?