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Trackerinsideradius() can't be updated via identchannel? (it can now ;))

I’m trying to update some widgets trackerinsideradius… I’m using the msg:
Smsg sprintfk "trackerinsideradius(%f), colour(%f,0,0,255)", kwidth,kwidth*255

The color part is there only as a test. The widgets are changing color as expected, but the trackerwidth is staying static. Possibly a bug?

More like an oversight than a bug.

Ah, even better… that means no headaches expected trying to fix it! :smile:

Similarly, I’m not having luck modifying tablegridcolour on a gentable:

Smsg2 sprintfk "tablebackgroundcolour(%d,%d,%d,%d), tablegridcolour(%d,%d,%d,%d)",kR,kG,kB,kA,kR1,kG1,kB1,kA1

That successfully changes background just fine.

I’ve updated the tracker stuff. I couldn’t find an issue with tablegridcolour? Check out the following example:

form size(520, 150), caption("Table test"), pluginid("com1")
gentable bounds(12, 8, 369, 135), tablenumber(1) tablegridcolour(255, 0, 0, 255), identchannel("table1")
-n -d -m0d

nchnls = 2	
0dbfs = 1
instr 1
kValR = randh:k(255, 10, 2)
kValG = randh:k(255, 10, 2)
kValB = randh:k(255, 10, 2)
if metro(1) == 1 then
    event "i", 2, 0, 1, kValR, kValG, kValB
instr 2
print p4, p5, p6
Smsg2 sprintf "tablegridcolour(%d,%d,%d,255)", abs(p4), abs(p5), abs(p6)
chnset Smsg2, "table1"
f1 0 1024 10 1
i1 0 100

Can you try this one. The tracker radius issues should be fixed.

Awesome, thanks!

Tracker radius responds to identchannels now, and it appears the slippery comboboxes have settled down and are back in working order too!

I can also confirm your example works fine for modifying the grid color… so it must be something I’m doing wrong. I’ll see what I can figure out.