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Trigger offline processing from Cabbage

I was wondering if there is any way to trigger offline analysis and processing from Cabbage? More specifically I want to build a slicer that cuts a long soundfile into shorter ones based on onset analysis using Cabbage’s nice GUI possibilities to control it. I have been messing around with the system opcode to run other .csd’s from Cabbage, but I haven’t been successful yet. I also need to pass data between Cabbage and the offline processing (sending analysis values and more). I was hoping that OSC could take care of that, but I couldn’t get it to work.
Best, Andreas

What OS are you using? OSC should work fine. You could also try using Python within Csound instead of the system opcode? I’ve done something similar in the past but I didn’t need to do it offline. I merely bounced sections of audio to disk using an instrument I would trigger directly from Cabbage. Would this sort of approach work?

I am on OSX. I tried another path since I posted last time, and implemented RMS analysis from table at init-time. And I can use that to segment the file. However I am not quite sure how to write from array or ftable to an audiofile at i-time. I tried with ftsave but the file I got was unreadable. Do you remember how you did it?

Funny that you ask, because it was also asked recently on the Csound list:
Victor posted a UDO that might help.

Ahh, cool! I will give it a try :slight_smile: