A few months back I decided to update cabbage on my DAW machine, which I normally NEVER touch… but there were just too many new features I had to have, so I gave in. At first when I loaded my exported cabbage plugins into a new project they crashed the DAW (Sonar X3). I opened each .csd for the dlls and re-exported them with the new version of cabbage. For the packaged examples I exported the newest versions included. All were exported files with the same .dll filenames as before, in the same path.
This seemed to work, they loaded just fine into a new project… but this is where I messed up. I didn’t open any older projects that had used these plugins. Now, months later, when I tried open these older projects the plugins aren’t recognized as being loaded in the DAW, even tho I can add the same plugin to the project and have it function fine. In other words, it doesn’t recognize these new plugins as the same plugins from before.
I had file backups at one point, but thinking the conversion had worked (mistakenly based on new files), I no longer have the .dll backups… tho I suspect without installing the old version of cabbage I’d be out of luck anyway.
I still have the installer from my previous cabbage version. If all else fails, that might be my plan.
Is there any good way to fix this? =\
edit: suggestions for how to properly update these in the future are also appreciated.