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Using Cabbage widgets without a Cabbage section

Some people might want to use Cabbage widgets without having to write a Cabbage section. In order to facilitate this I’ve created a set of html elements for each Cabbage widget.

These elements can be added to a html page like any other elements, for example:

<div class="widget-section">
    <div class="widget-row">
        <cabbage-rotary-slider props='{"channel": "rotary1", "value": 0.25}'></cabbage-rotary-slider>
        <cabbage-horizontal-slider class="wide" props='{"channel": "horizontal1", "value": 0.5}'></cabbage-horizontal-slider>
        <cabbage-vertical-slider class="tall" props='{"channel": "vertical1", "value": 0.75}'></cabbage-vertical-slider>
        <cabbage-number-slider props='{"channel": "number1", "value": 0.6}'></cabbage-number-slider>

One nice aspect of this is it provides a simple way to integrate Cabbage with an existing web frontend. There is a test.html that provides a more complete example of this. If you wish to test it, install the ‘Live-Server’ extension in vscode, then right-click the test.html file and select ‘run with live server’.

I am excited about Cabbage 3 (and this web support via the Live-Server extension. I do hope that you will make a nice set of tutorial videos for us (me! and all my Berklee MacBook M1-based to Cabbage fans!) on how to set all this up in VS. For this semester, the plan is to stick with Cabbage 2 in class, but over the summer… (with your help) to switch over. Happy New (Cabbage3) Year Rory.

That sounds like a good @Dr_Richard_Boulanger. It will take some time to iron out all the cracks!