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VST(3) showing pluginId instead of caption name in apps

For example:

form size(280, 160), caption("Simple Reverb"), pluginId("cfxr")
groupbox bounds(20, 12, 233, 112), text("Reverb")    
rslider bounds(32, 40, 68, 70), channel("size"), range(0, 1, .2, 1, 0.001), text("Size"), colour(2, 132, 0, 255), 
rslider bounds(102, 40, 68, 70), channel("fco"), range(1, 22000, 10000, 1, 0.001), text("Cut-Off"), colour(2, 132, 0, 255), 
rslider bounds(172, 40, 68, 70), channel("gain"), range(0, 1, .5, 1, 0.001), text("Gain"), colour(2, 132, 0, 255), 
-n -d -+rtmidi=NULL -M0 -m0d 
sr = 44100
ksmps = 64
nchnls = 2

instr 1
    kFdBack chnget "size"
    kFco chnget "fco"
    kGain chnget "gain"
    aInL inch 1
    aInR inch 2
    aOutL, aOutR reverbsc aInL, aInR, kFdBack, kFco
    outs aOutL*kGain, aOutR*kGain

f1 0 1024 10 1
i1 0 z

When loaded in Bespoke shows up like

This is in contrast with how SST’s plugins show up with an actual name. I’m guessing the string provided in caption("Simple Reverb") was intended to be substituted for name in the dll or vst3 file, but only the pluginId (“cxfr” in this case) is being “hex-edited in” in more than one place in the Cabbage dll or vst3 on export.

The same happens in Audacity (3.1.3) or Audition 2022 using the VST (2) version of the plugin. It’s the plugId which again passes for name. Here’s the Audition screenshot, which has both the VST (2) and VST3.


I’m using Cabbage 2.8.0.

You also might want to look at regarding the VST parameter list not being easily detected in Bespoke. I’m not sure whose at fault there, Bespoke or Cabbage.

Hi @We_Rame, welcome to the forum.

Can you try the latest dev snapshot from the Azure pipeline builds? I think this issue has been since resolved. I’ll download Bespoke now and try myself…

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Thanks for the good news.

Do you have artifact retention enabled on Azure? It seems not.

So I’ll have compile myself? Which will prolly take a while…

No, just grab the latest build artefact:

Btw, I just tested with the latest build and this issue is resolved. However, I’m not sure what the plugin parameters are not showing. They do in every other DAW. Can Bespoke VST nodes display the VST editor?

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Yeah, the build artifacts are actually retained but on a different page (all 3 in one zip)

MSFT being a bit confusing with those multiple Artifacts pages…

I just figured this out. Strange, it loads the plugin editor fine, but somehow can’t access the parameters itself.

It’s not fixed alas. Here’s the Audition screenshot with the cfx2 compiled with Cabbage 2.8.92


And here’s Bespoke where it’s more clear because it shows the Cabbage version too:

I changed the id so both the old and new would load, for comparison.

form size(280, 160), caption("Simple Reverb"), pluginId("cfx2")

And I placed the new on one alongside the old one.

Here are some post versions 2.8 plugins showing fine in Bespoke? Let me try with the very very latest…

Can you link to the RingMod source? It might be doing something different in its csd header.

Oh yes, I see the issue here, I’m checking VST2’s not VST3’s :see_no_evil:

Ok, I’ll check VST (2) to see if it’s fixed at least for that in 2.8.92.

No effect in Audition alas


And Bespoke says the same

So you might have had some kind of regression since the 2.8.73 or RingMod is doing something different in its header.

Btw, do you need to sign the plugins before they can be seen in Bespoke? On my M1 mac I’m having a hard time getting some hosts to see register plugins.

No, Windows 10 isn’t so fussy. Only drivers need to be signed. But I do have developer mode enabled, so I might not see what users might otherwise.

Oh yeah, sorry, you’re on Windows. Ok, leave it with me, I’ll see what I can do :+1: Might be a day or two before I get back to you as I’m about to enter the weekend :rofl:

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I also tried a shorter name

form size(280, 160), caption("SimplRev"), pluginId("cfx3")

but it makes no difference. It’s still the id that shows up.

Might be a day or two before I get back to you as I’m about to enter the weekend

No worries. It’s not a burning issue. Thanks for all the interest.