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VST name, link to my website and keyboard colours.

Hello Rory,

I’m Marko from Estonia. I hope you still remember me. :slight_smile:

I’m still developing VST plugins, and on Tarmo’s strong recommendation, I’ve taken another look at Cabbage.
Tarmo helped me with some Csound code, and now, with the help of Cabbage, I’ve designed a VST instrument from it for my clients.

I’ve been trying for several days to find some answers using Google and ChatGPT, but without success.
You surely know the answers! :slight_smile:
I see that you’ve generously shared information in this forum with everyone interested. That must take a lot of time and energy. So I’ll keep my 3 questions very short:

  1. The plugin appears in the DAW with the name “CabbageAudio.” How can I change this to add my company name?
  2. How can I add a clickable link to text within the plugin that leads to my website?
  3. When I press keys on the physical keyboard, the virtual keyboard only shows bright yellow on the keys, and the black keys don’t show it at all. How can I change this color?

Best regards and many thanks in advance, Rory!

Marko Karja

Hello @Marko_Karja. Of course I remember you :slight_smile: I’m happy to hear you still making your plugins.

You can build from source, or you can get a pro license - in which case I’ll provide you with builds for Mac and Windows (PM if you’re interested in this)

You can use an infobutton.

Here are the colour string you can change/set:


Let me know how it goes :+1:

hi @rorywalsh rorywalsh i wrote to you privately

Thank you soooo much Rory! Fantastic!
“infobutton” action works like a charm. Now I can link to my website.
“CabbageAudio” in plugin name - for me it is ok.

I really can’t figure out what is the issue with keyboard colours. Yes, I know how to change white and black keys or MouseOverKey colours…but…

If I press my physical keybord keys on my midipiano then Cabbage plugin shows me only yellow colour on white keys and no colour at all on black keys.
This really seems kind of bug…or…? I tried everything and no results so far.
And it is related when I play real keyboard, the physical keyboard.

Thank you, Rory!

Sorry Marko, seems I was giving you the wrong advise there! Use keyDownColour() to set the key colour when they are pressed. I don’t have a MIDI keyboard to test with here, but if I load the plugin into a DAW and press the keys in my DAW’s piano roll, I can see the Cabbage keyboard light up with the correct colours :+1:

Thank you, Rory!
Yes I’m aware of that. If you just press the keys inside the DAW, then no problem.
My BIG concern is when I press the keys on PHYSICAL midi keybord/ midi piano.
Then the Cabbage plugin shows ONLY YELLOW keys, when white keys are pressed and NO colour on black keys.
I need to make demo videos for my clients and I want to show the Cabbage plugin interface and virtual midi keybord when I play live.
It would be much appreciated if we can set our own colours to Cabbage plugin midi keyboard when we play live with REAL keyboard.
I really hope I explained my problem clarely :slight_smile:

Thanks Marko, you’ve explained yourself very well. I’m back in the office today, and I have a MIDI keyboard at my side. I’ll take a look shortly. :slight_smile: Sorry for the hold up…

Hi @Marko_Karja, I just tested here with the latest release 2.10.0 and it works as expected. The keyDownColour() identifier sets the colours for the keys that are being pressed on an actual MIDI keyboard, or keys triggered in the DAW. It is not possible to have two different colours for this as Cabbage can’t doesn’t know where the MIDI notes are coming from. It just sees MIDI and does its thing. I think perhaps you need a newer version?

Ok, I need to check.
I have:
Latest Release
27th January, 2023

This is from you offficcial website:

Seems I have to find the version: 2.10.0 from somewhere…?


Try one of these:

hahaaaa… finally :slight_smile:

In my code, somehow there was: keysdowncolour
But it should be exactly as you wrote in your last message: keyDownColour

I had two mistakes in one identifier.

  1. Not keys, but key
  2. Down and Colour must start with capital letters.

Now it works perfectly!
Thank you soooo much, Rory!


Yes, Cabbage is case sensitive. I’m glad to hear you have it working now :slight_smile:

Yes, now this is exactly like I want it to be, perfect :slight_smile:
Thank you for the very quick and helpful responce.
Have a great day!

Hey Rory!

A very important observation about Cabbage (working with Windows 10 system).**

A. When I export my Csound plugin using Cabbage version 2.10:

  1. Pressing the black keys on a physical MIDI keyboard is correctly displayed on the plugin’s MIDI keyboard.
  2. When I save a DAW project, some plugin parameters are saved while others are not.

B. When I export my Csound plugin using Cabbage version 2.9.0:

  1. Pressing the black keys on a physical MIDI keyboard is not displayed at all on the plugin’s MIDI keyboard.
  2. When I save a DAW project, all plugin parameters are saved correctly.

I have tested this multiple times and haven’t been able to find a good solution…
Maybe something can be fixed, or do you have any interesting ideas on how to solve this?


Hi @Marko_Karja, can you confirm if the same csd/Cabbage build works fine on MacOS? Also, would it be possible for you to prepare a very simple .csd that I can use in my tests? Or maybe you can PM me your current .csd file for testing? I’m happy to fix any bugs that pop up in the Cabbage 2.

Hi Rory!
I have tested it on Windows. I guess Tarmo Johannes did it on Mac too and faced same issue with black keys not highlighted when pressed.
I will send you an email with .csd file.
Thank you so much for your help, Rory!

Thanks @Marko_Karja - you can also send me a private message through the forum. I’m easy with either approach. :slight_smile: