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Waveform Visualisations

I was playing around with some novel ways of displaying waveforms. Even just with Cabbage’s built-in widgets, more can be achieved than I would have thought.

Ribbon.csd (6.3 KB)
Disc.csd (6.9 KB)


These are extraordinary, you know Cabbage isn’t supposed to be able to do this right :rofl:

No more boring old gentables for me.

Perhaps it’s time to look into Unity or Blender…

Who needs Blender when you can do this with Cabbage 3 :rofl:

All of these things will be much easier in Cabbage 3. You’ll be able to create your own visualisation widgets in JS and communicate with them in Cabbage. The nice thing about this is the proliferation of great JS frameworks for doing visuals. Spekaing of Cabbage 3, I hope to send you a beta to start playing around with soon, in the next few weeks I hope.


wow, that’s amazing @iainmccurdy !!!


I want a beta too!!!

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And wow Iain!!! Missed you in Vienna.

WOW. Beautiful - and beautiful generative (HaikuLike) too.

Thanks, Richard. Maybe I’ll create the next set of Haiku with simple visualisations…


Your Haiku are a massive inspiration to me and all my students. They are all so beautiful. I play them all the time in my studio as I work, write, study.

I, and all my students, study them every semester.

At Berklee, the students and faculty all have such a huge interest in generative, and procedural designs/compositions for their game audio work and their installation work/projects/dreams.

And that study and inspiration starts with you and your beautiful work.

Yes! A new set with visualizations would be awesome!

Hi all,
when I run either of these two .csd files, Cabbage suddenly shuts down.
What could be the cause?
[Cabbage 2.8.162 on Linux]

Thank you,

As always in these cases, I suggest you update your build. The current dev snapshot is 230+ :slight_smile:

…what is 230+? I’m using the version of Cabbage that I downloaded from the site cabbageaudio . com, it’s listed as 2.9.0, but in Help-About it says 2.8.162.
Where can I find the right version?
Thank you,

Version 2.9.233. You can try the latest build from here:
Details about accessing the latest dev snapshots can be found here. :+1:

Thank you.
Well, I built the 2.9.233 sources (very long procedure…).
Now these two .cds files runs, but the audio stutters and with “Ribbon.csd” the window remains frozen, so I have to start “xkill” from terminal and kill Cabbage. Maybe it’s a problem with my system? (a simple laptop with integrated sound card).
[Cabbage 2.9.233 on Linux]
(Note: I run all the examples in Cabbage correctly without any problems.)

Hmm, it might be your system. I see a pretty high CPU rate on my M1 mac when I test them.

Doing a check during execution, it gives me a CPU usage between 20% and 60% on the 4 CPUs and free memory 30%…
So I don’t think it’s a problem with my system, usually on my laptop I run quite heavy programs…
Note: now with both .csd files, when I run them, Cabbage remains frozen.
[Cabbage 2.9.233 on Ubuntu 22.04]
Thank you,

I don’t have ready access to a Linux machine these days. I’ll try to get a look when next I’m at one. You can try reducing the graphics update rate to see if it helps.

Thanks for testing this out. I expected it to stress most machines as, as Rory pointed out, these widgets and mechanisms were not really intended to for this sort of thing. Interesting to explore the limits though.
The sudden crashes you describe I think I have experienced also and discussed in this thread:

I have found it still unresolved in the latest betas but I wanted to give Rory space to work on Cabbage 3 which might offer the solution anyway. The problem seems to arise from a combination of the latest betas and guiMode("queue"). You might like to try to most recent official release on Linux and see if that improves things. I do still experience sudden exits with the official release, but far less often. guiMode("polling") seems much more stable but I’m guessing its CPU draw would rule out these animations.

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