Last question for tonight, I swear!
Since changing font I now add and delete text several spaces away from where the flashing cursor appears. It’s out by 7 spaces.
Last question for tonight, I swear!
Since changing font I now add and delete text several spaces away from where the flashing cursor appears. It’s out by 7 spaces.
You need to use a monospaced font. I couldn’t figure out how to filter the fonts so that only monospaced fonts appear. On Linux they have mono in the title, but not on OSX and Windows. I’m going to leave this as a valid bug for now until I can find out how to effectively remove all non-monospaced fonts from the list. Cheers. Keep the questions coming!
Okay, I changed to ‘Courier’ and it’s all behaving perfectly again:)
I just pushed through a change that will cause Cabbage to only show the monospaced fonts that are available. It will be in the next release.