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Which pexports download to choose?

I’m getting set up to work through the examples in this article “Introduction to using the
Csound Host API” here

I’ve installed MinGW. Now I need to create an import library by running this at the command prompt
pexports -o csound32.dll.5.1 > csound32.def

So I went to sourceforge to get the pexports tool here

There are alot of download choices. How do I know which one to download?

Ok, I’ve got pexports in MinGW\bin. Now I’m trying to run the command. I found csound64.dll in C:\Program Files\Csound6_x64\bin so I’m trying
pexports -o csound64.dll > csound64.def

I got “No such file or directory”
I put csound64.dll in the MinGW\bin directory and got the same result.

Can anybody help me out with this? What’s the name of the dll and where do I find it?
Any suggestions would be gratefully appreciated.

Hi @jana. I’d suggest you download and install Visual Studio Community. Then clone the Csound API github repo, or simply download a zip of it. Then open the VisualStudio code project in there. If you’re using the latest version of Csound, and you installed it to the default location then the project should build out of the box. When I wrote that how-to Csound was built using MSYS/MinGW. Since then the devs have moved back to using Microsoft tools which provide far better tools for development and debugging.

If for some reason you simply must use MinGW/MSYS then I think there might be a way to do what you want, but you’ll need to research that yourself. I think MinGW can use C .dlls created with Visual Studio, but I can’t be certain.