I was testing to see if I could just attach an ‘nslider’ with a different channel name, but in order to have the ‘nslider’ set the value of the ‘rslider’, which inturn will set the ‘nslider’. This creates an infinite loop. Is there a way to set the value of a widget that won’t propagate the event? PureData allows you to ‘set’ the value that won’t pass on the event.
form caption("Untitled") size(400, 300), guiMode("queue"), pluginId("def1")
rslider bounds(140, 32, 36, 36) channel("vox1octave") range(-4, 4, 0, 1, 1)
rslider bounds(176, 32, 36, 36) channel("vox1interval") range(-12, 12, 0, 1, 1)
nslider bounds(136, 64, 44, 20) channel("vox1octaveN") range(-4, 4, 0, 1, 1) colour(0, 0, 0, 0)
keyboard bounds(8, 158, 381, 95)
-n -d -+rtmidi=NULL -M0 -m0d --midi-key-cps=4 --midi-velocity-amp=5
; Initialize the global variables.
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1
;instrument will be triggered by keyboard widget
instr 1
kVox1Octave, kVox1OctaveTrig cabbageGetValue "vox1octave"
kVox1OctaveN, kVox1OctaveNTrig cabbageGetValue "vox1octaveN"
if kVox1OctaveTrig == 1 then
printks "getting kVox1Octave (%d)\n", 0, kVox1Octave
cabbageSetValue "vox1octaveN", kVox1Octave
if kVox1OctaveNTrig == 1 then
printks "getting kVox1OctaveN (%d)\n", 0, kVox1OctaveN
; with the following, an infinite loop would occur
; cabbageSetValue "vox1octave", kVox1OctaveN
;causes Csound to run for about 7000 years...
i 1 0 -1
f0 z
Maybe something like this, it’s a solution that addresses a specific problem. All this would do is set the value of the widget, but won’t trigger an event.
cabbageSet kVox1OctaveNTrig, "vox1octave", "value", kVox1OctaveN