I am trying out cabbage on my Alienware PC laptop, and finding a few things that appear to not be working in relation to the OSX version I have been using.
First, when I installed the current windows stable installer, the first time I tried to launch Cabbage after installing it told me that csound was not installed. I downloaded the windows installer again and ran, and it does have a checkbox to install csound in the process and I made sure to check it, but I still got the same error. So I installed the QT Csound and then Cabbage starts correcty.
I opened the Temposcal File Player.csd example and hit the Open button and loaded a sound file, no waveform is displayed in the black rectangle that usually loads the waveform image in the OSX version.
I also closed and restarted to see if that might help, and got this console warning when starting Cabbage back up:
WARNING: could not open library ‘C:\Program Files\Csound6_x64\plugins64\py.dll’ (-1)
I tried building the VSTs and I got an error for each one with a modal window where I had to click ok about 200 times. That was fun. hehe