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Your go-to csound debugging commands

What are your go-to debugging commands?

I use printk2 a lot and formatted print statements (when I can remember the syntax!). But i’m never sure what to do if I want to see an audio-rate envelope or a sample of an audio signal.

What are your favorites?

I see references to “display” but I don’t see how to use that with Cabbage on my mac.

I’m trying to track down the cause of a click and it is slowly driving me crazy. :slight_smile:

For audio rate signals you can write them to a table and then display them using a gentable. Another simple method is to write the audio to disk and then use something like Audacity to view them.

That’s also what I do. Here is a line that writes a ‘dry’ signal to a wav file before any effects are applied:

fout "/Users/zorn/Cabbage/AntiA/pre_all.wav", 4 ,aDry