Ok, having some trouble wrapping my head around some of this, but I’ll start with what I think are the bugs first.
2 macros on same line, only the first expands. example:
combobox bounds(10, 34, 100, 30), channel("graph1-shape"), channeltype("number"), value(1), identchannel("combo-c"), $SHAPE_MENU $COMBO
where $SHAPE_MENU expands to contain the items:
#define SHAPE_MENU items("Sine [8 partials]", "Line [1 seg]", "Pyramid [2 seg]", ...etc... )
and $COMBO expands to a color/style intended for comboboxes:
#define COMBO colour(30,30,30,255), fontcolour(160, 160, 160, 255),
Deleting first macro or changing the order makes second expand, at expense of the first. -
Macros with an adjacent comma no longer expand, while they have in previous versions. Not sure what else should be allowed to touch during parsing, if anything. Perhaps { and } too?
gentable with amprange(-1,1,1) consistently crashes c2 and clite. tried with some different values for quantization too, no luck. removing the amprange statement fixes it.
second instance of example “plant.xml” can’t seem to get new X/Y pos in your example, always appears in same place. It was added like so:
radioValueButtonGroup bounds(18, 12, 158, 110), channel("radioGroup"), namespace("rw") radioValueButtonGroup bounds(176, 122, 158, 110), channel("radioGroup2"), namespace("rw")
and further down:
kValue rw_radioValueButtonGroup "radioGroup" printk2 kValue kValue2 rw_radioValueButtonGroup "radioGroup2" printk2 kValue2
This might be something I’m doing wrong, so if it works for you it might be worth adding a second instance to the example properly for us to learn from. -
re-clicking “show console” should act as a toggle for the window
add version # to c2lite, probably in the settings? (already mentioned, just making it official)
c2lite doesn’t have examples available in the menu, and “file|open” on OSX doesn’t allow traversal into application directories to view examples in the cabbage dir. assuming examples get added to the menu, should c2lite have it’s own examples for modularity/portability or should it refer to the full version’s for consolidation?
Next up, a couple quick questions:
Can an imported “plant” be a member of a groupbox, even if nothing in that “plant” is actually declared a plant? I’m thinking no, since when I tried a bunch of other widget’s locations were all out of whack.
How should namespace be used? Calling widgets with the wrong namespace doesn’t seem to work, so I assume multiple instances would all be called with the same namespace like I did above? It doesn’t appear to be used in determining channel names, since channels in your example are still prepending SName…
I’ll admit that I’m having trouble getting my first imported plant to work… but your example works when imported into my project, so obviously I’m doing something wrong. I’ll keep plugging away at it for now and see if I can figure it out.