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Cabbage3 alpha release

I’m happy (and very nervous!) to announce the first alpha version of Cabbage 3 (emphasis on alpha). First a little disclaimer:

Cabbage 3 and the associated Visual Studio Code extension are currently in Alpha development. These releases are experimental and may undergo significant changes. Features are not final, and stability or performance may vary. Use at your own discretion, and expect frequent updates and potential breaking changes.

Now that we have that out of the way, here are some important things to note before diving in:

  • Temporary docs are available here These will be merged into the main Cabbage website when the time comes. Please take the time to look over these before trying it out. In particular, the page on what’s new in Cabbage 3.

  • Cabbage 3 only works with the latest Csound7 builds. You can access the versions used in building Cabbage 3 here:
    Cound 7 - MacOS
    Csound 7 - Windows

  • The entire package is now a VS-Code extension. There are no platform installers, you simply install the VS-Code package. For now the extension must be installed manually, but I will publish the VS-Code extension in the marketplace when version 1 is ready for public consumption.

  • Cabbage 2 .csd files will not work in Cabbage 3 as the Cabbage section is now declred using JSON. Here is a basic python conversion script that should work for simple .csd files. I will try to add integrated conversion tools to the vscode extension. It’s on the todo list.

  • There is a github project page outlining work done and work to be done here. It’s not in any way extensive, but should give you a fair idea of where things are in terms of development

The docs linked above provide an overview of changes in Cabbage 3 along with updated widget entries. You can also find info on how to download, install and run Cabbage 3. Please don’t expect to find all the functionality of Cabbage 2. The process of rewriting and reimplementing all the features of Cabbage 2 is going to take some time. Among the things missing are plants, presets, some widgets (xypad, range slider, etc), various export options, fmod, VCV rack, etc… Some of these will be added in due course, some may not.

If you are in any way squimish, you may wish to wait until things settle down before jumping into Cabbage 3. On the other hand, if you have a keen sense of adventure and love the excitment of a new challenge, please try it out and let me know how you get on :slight_smile:


Awesome! I almost posted yesterday to ask about this and here it is. Thanks for all of your hard work.

I have a feeling most of the hard work is still ahead of me :rofl:

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Yeah, and cabbage.js, I’ll post something to the forum now about this.

I got this message when following the “Building”-guide in the readme-file and pressing F5 to launch the extension on Windows 10.

Why are you building anything. You don’t need to build the extension at all.

You’re right, should have read the docs closer :rofl:

So I tried to run some examples with the " Launch Cabbage" command, but I’m getting a white screen with the Cabbage logo.

Restart vscode and navigate to a non dev folder. The try again, I think something is messed up because you’re trying to run it from the vscabbage source dir. Did you install Csound7 as per the manul?

Yes, I did install Csound 7.

I tried to move it into a seperate folder, there’s a error message in the Output.

I wrote csound --version now and it returns 6.18, even though I installed Csound 7. Let me try to reset the computer, maybe I need to clean-up my old Csound version?


That’s odd. I got nervous and tested it myself on my windows machine just now, not my dev box, and it worked fine. Can you double click the exe in the path provided and see what happens? Nothing should technically happen. So if you get no error messages, open the task manage and kill the process. I’m hoping that you an error though…

Yeah, I’m at version 7 now in the terminal, but I still get the same “Failed to start process” error :thinking:

Something weird here. The CabbageApp.exe file is inside a folder called CabbageApp.exe

That is indeed strange. Let me check my install…

It’s the same for me, but somehow works. Can you move it up a directory into the CabbageBundle dir and see if it works?

That did help! Seems like there’s another warning when running the command now

Because of the double slash in the path maybe?

No, that’s running, that warning is benign. Can you launch the dev tools through the command palette and see if that gives you any info? The web frontend is not loading for some reason…

I have a feeling that the websocket connection is not valid. Can you enable verbose logging in the Cabbage settings, and then have a look again at teh output when you run the example. The bit before the Csound output might be useful to us

In the package.json configuration?