Hi Rory,
this is a follow up of our previous chat regarding some strange behaviour of the latest Cabbage betas ( after June 14 - #20210614.1 fixing guiMode for cabbageSetValue to June 25th).
- on mac, reverting back from the later beta seems only possible by first deleting the old app (new installers no longer overwrite old ones)
- somewhere between the dates above Cabbage installers start to come with Csound 6.16. In my instrument, I have audio dropouts only with Csound 6.16, not Csound 6.15. I have now isolated the source of these dropouts in the posted short code example. I hope you can help figure out what is going on.
- the FFT display does no longer work with later beta. Could you please check the example?
This code works without dropouts with Csound 6.15 (regardless of Cabbage version). I’m not using ADSR because I want to dynamically change damping (sustain), but as you can here this makes no difference. As soon as you move metro or sustain slides you should be able to hear “pops” - with Csound 6.16. I suspect turnoff
might be causing them. But not with Csound 6.15!
There are some buttons: (1) to switch off oscillator; the envelope alone is casuing pops, (2) “not dynamic” sustain uses linseg
and also causes pops, (3) I tried to look at the signal, maybe you have suggestions if signal display could be triggered in a useful way to identify these pops.
form caption("test POP") size(400, 300), colour(0,0,0,100) guiMode("queue"), pluginId("def1")
rslider bounds(28, 138, 70, 70) range(0, 1, 0.2, 0.7, 1e-06) channel("MetroFrq") colour(255, 255, 0, 255) trackerColour(255, 255, 100, 255) markerColour(0, 0, 0, 255) popupText("0")
label bounds(22, 208, 80, 20) text("METRO") fontColour(255, 255, 0, 255) channel("label4")
rslider bounds(116, 138, 50, 50) range(0.0001, 10, 0.01, 0.25, 1e-06) channel("Attack") colour(255, 255, 220, 255) trackerColour(227, 176, 255, 255) markerColour(0, 0, 0, 255) popupText("0")
label bounds(110, 188, 60, 16) text("ATTACK") fontColour(227, 176, 255, 255) channel("label7")
rslider bounds(66, 14, 70, 70) range(0, 1, 0.7, 1, 1e-06) channel("Sustain") colour(100, 100, 150, 255) trackerColour(255, 255, 220, 255) markerColour(255, 255, 220, 255) popupText("0")
label bounds(14, 84, 180, 20) text("DYNAMIC SUSTAIN") fontColour(220, 220, 220, 255) channel("label10")
button bounds(276, 10, 30, 30) channel("NoOscil") text(" ") colour:1(255, 255, 0, 255)
label bounds(204, 40, 180, 12) text("NO OSCILLATOR") fontColour(220, 220, 220, 255)
button bounds(276, 60, 30, 30) channel("UseEnvelope") text(" ") colour:1(255, 255, 0, 255)
label bounds(202, 90, 180, 12) text("NOT DYNAMIC - using envelope") fontColour(220, 220, 220, 255)
button bounds(136, 234, 30, 30) channel("Display") text(" ") value(0) colour:1(255, 255, 0, 255)
label bounds(118, 266, 50, 12) text("DISPLAY") fontColour(220, 220, 220, 255) channel("label19")
signaldisplay bounds(174, 150, 221, 148), updateRate(20) displayType("waveform"), signalVariable("a1") zoom(-1) colour(0, 255, 0, 255), backgroundColour("black")
hslider bounds(174, 124, 220, 23), channel("NPeriods"), text("Number-Periods"),range(1, 1000, 800, 1, 1) popupText("0")
-d -n -+rtmidi=null -M0 -m0d --displays
ksmps = 16
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1
giSin ftgen 0,0,2^19,10,1 ; sin
instr 1
kMetroFrq = 20*cabbageGet:k("MetroFrq")
kAtt = cabbageGetValue:k("Attack")
gkDamp = 1e-4*ksmps*(1-0.9*cabbageGet:k("Sustain")) * (1 + kMetroFrq)
if timeinstk:k() > 1 && metro:k(kMetroFrq) == 1 then
event "i", "Note", 0, 180, kAtt, cabbageGetValue:k("NoOscil"), cabbageGetValue:k("UseEnvelope")
a1 chnget "mix"
chnclear "mix"
; ---- display
if cabbageGetValue:k("Display") == 1 then
kNPeriods chnget "NPeriods"
iprd init 100/sr
if changed(kNPeriods)==1 then
inprds = i(kNPeriods)
display a1, iprd, inprds
display a1, .1, 1
outs a1, a1
instr Note
ka = active:k("Note")/32 ; count notes
kH init 1
kenv = linseg:k(0, p4, 1);
if p6 == 0 then ; dynamic damping
kH *= 0.99995*(1-gkDamp)
kH = linseg:k(1, .005/i(gkDamp), 0) ;use non-dynamic envelope
if p5 == 0 then
a1 = oscili(.5, 440 + ka*440, giSin, 0)
a1 = a(kH*kenv)*a1
a1 = a(kH*kenv)
chnmix a1, "mix"
if kH<1e-5 then
;causes Csound to run for about 7000 years...
f0 z
i 1 0 -1;[60*60*24*7]
--------- And here is an example with FFT display that works with older Cabbage but not with the later betas. I hope you can make it work again.
form caption("test display") size(390, 660) pluginId("ted1") colour(0, 0, 0)
rslider bounds(8, 6, 60, 60) range(1, 10000, 440, 0.5, 0.001) channel("Frq") text("Frq")
signaldisplay bounds(0, 212, 365, 180), updateRate(20) displayType("waveform"), signalVariable("aSig") zoom(-1) colour(0, 255, 0, 255), backgroundColour("black")
image bounds(6, 392, 361, 45), plant("display"), colour(0, 0, 0, 0)
hslider bounds(0, 19, 315, 19), channel("NPeriods"), text("Number-Periods"),range(1, 500, 100, 1, 1) popupText("0")
; use x/y coordinates for mouse, size of this is re-defined in the init step
gentable outlineThickness(0), bounds(0, 442, 365, 160), sampleRange(0, 512) ampRange(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0100) identChannel("ampFFT") tableNumber(1.0), tablebackgroundColour(0, 0, 0, 255), tableGridColour(245, 245, 245, 20), outlineThickness(0), tableColour:0(0, 200, 0, 200)
image bounds(6, 608, 356, 45), plant("display"), colour(0, 0, 0, 0)
hslider bounds(0, 0, 242, 19), channel("Yzoom"), text("Y Zoom"), textBox(1), valuetextBox(1), range(1e-3,1e3,1,.1,1e-6)
hslider bounds(0, 19, 242, 19), channel("smooth"), text("Smooth"), textBox(1), valuetextBox(1), range(0,5,0.5)
label bounds(250, 0, 60, 12), text("FFT Size")
combobox bounds(252, 15, 55, 18), channel("FFTSize"), text("64","128","256","512", "1024", "2048", "4096", "8192"), value(5)
label bounds(-132, 378, 60, 13), align("left"), identChannel("MOUSEFreqID"), , fontColour(0, 0, 0, 255), colour(255, 255, 255, 255)
-n -d -+rtmidi=NULL --displays
;sr is set by the host
sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1
giFFTSizes[] fillarray 64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192
instr 1
kFrq = chnget:k("Frq")
aSig = oscili(1, kFrq)
iDispX init 0
iDispY init 430
iDispWidth init 365
iDispHeight init 170
iDispRange init 512
Sstring sprintfk "bounds(%d,%d,%d,%d), samplerange(0,%d)", iDispX, iDispY, iDispWidth, iDispHeight, iDispRange
chnset Sstring, "ampFFT"
kNPeriods chnget "NPeriods"
kYzoom chnget "Yzoom"
kSmooth chnget "smooth"
kFFTIndex chnget "FFTSize"
kFFTSize = giFFTSizes[kFFTIndex-1]
kFFTSize init 512
iprd init 20/sr
if changed(kNPeriods)==1 then
inprds = i(kNPeriods)
display aSig, iprd, inprds
if changed(kFFTSize)==1 then
iTabSize = i(kFFTSize)
iampFFT ftgen 1,0,iTabSize,2,0
ifftsize = iTabSize*2
ioverlap = ifftsize/4
iwinsize = ifftsize
iwintype = 1
fSig pvsanal aSig*kYzoom, ifftsize, ioverlap, iwinsize, iwintype
fSig2 pvsblur fSig,kSmooth,5
if metro(10)==1 then
kflag pvsftw fSig2, iampFFT
if kflag==1 then
chnset "tablenumber(1)", "ampFFT"
; Frequency pop-up
kMOUSE_X chnget "MOUSE_X"
kMOUSE_Y chnget "MOUSE_Y"
if changed(kMOUSE_X,kMOUSE_Y)==1 then
if kMOUSE_X>iDispX && kMOUSE_X<(iDispX+iDispWidth) && kMOUSE_Y>iDispY && kMOUSE_Y<(iDispY+iDispHeight) then
kMOUSEFreq = ((kMOUSE_X-iDispX)/iDispWidth) * (10900 * (2*iDispRange/kFFTSize)); calibration constant is about 10900
Spos sprintfk "pos(%d,%d), text(%d Hz), visible(1)",limit:k(kMOUSE_X,iDispX,iDispX+iDispWidth-60),kMOUSE_Y-13,kMOUSEFreq ; subtract size of MOUSEFreqID
chnset Spos,"MOUSEFreqID"
chnset "visible(0)","MOUSEFreqID"
;causes Csound to run for about 7000 years...
f0 z
i 1 0 [3600*24*7]