I’m trying to port a project to VR and find that I cannot run the project using an actual Rift setup. I have created a new project with minimal assets and can run it in Unity and see it on my Rift. I added a sphere and set it to bounce on a terrain which works fine. When I add a csound script to the object I cannot get the Unity project to show up on the Rift. Please help! I would love to have a csound enabled Unity game!
p.s. when I enable csound logging to console I get no errors from csound. I am using csound 2.3. Unity 2017.3.1f1
When I run Unity I get the error message:
Virtual Reality SDK Oculus failed to initialize.
Attempting to enable OpenVR instead.
XR: OpenVR Error! OpenVR failed initialization with error code VRInitError_Init_PathRegistryNotFound: “Installation path could not be located (110)”!
Virtual Reality SDK OpenVR failed to initialize.
Attempting to enable None instead.
p.p.s. The Unity-Oculus link remains broken even if I back out the Csound script. I have to restart Unity to get the Unity-Oculus link re-established. I think the breakage happens before Csound tries to play a sound, since I am not triggering any sounds in Csound when it breaks.