Hi all, hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction for building CSound Unity on IOS.
I’ve been looking for a sound generation platform (synth, drums & engine noises) for a Unity project and wanted to test out CSound performance on an iPad.
I’ve taken the Theremin sample and attempted to compile and run (its all working fine in editor on a Mac). The project gets created fine in Unity and then baulks in XCode.
I tried swapping out the libsndfile.a and libcsound.a from Csound 6.18.0 to 6.17.0 but that gave the same error, had a (very) quick dig into the csound repo but my c++ skills are woeful
The final error output is this: csound-ios-compile-issue.txt.zip (19.8 KB)
(full text is over a meg)
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
"_vDSP_fft_zrip", referenced from:
_csoundRealFFT2 in libcsound.a(fftlib.o)
_vDSP_DCT_execute in libcsound.a(fftlib.o)
"_vDSP_create_fftsetup", referenced from:
_csoundRealFFT2Setup in libcsound.a(fftlib.o)
"_vDSP_destroy_fftsetup", referenced from:
_setupDispose in libcsound.a(fftlib.o)
"_csoundLoadPlugins", referenced from:
_CsoundUnity_LoadPlugins_m13BAF490EE306782405D86636896CE744656D8E2 in com.csound.unity.o
_CsoundUnityBridge_LoadPlugins_mAAF7A94D9172D9A13C86F6D261CFE8893D5CE025 in com.csound.unity.o
_NativeMethods_csoundLoadPlugins_m19D2E988F8523A80D55C0356E98EAFBE41390D11 in com.csound.unity.o
_U3CU3Ec__DisplayClass3_0_U3CSetEnvironmentSettingsU3Eb__0_mE4F05EB5F4219EAA61114ADA9969042CD936FEFD in com.csound.unity.o
(maybe you meant: _NativeMethods_csoundLoadPlugins_m19D2E988F8523A80D55C0356E98EAFBE41390D11)
"_csoundSetOpcodedir", referenced from:
_CsoundUnityBridge__ctor_mE785F06E63D4DBF87CED070292CB7F0FD2914CD2 in com.csound.unity.o
_NativeMethods_csoundSetOpcodedir_m5336AAF9ED7C0536A7B300879F16E19553CC694A in com.csound.unity.o
(maybe you meant: _NativeMethods_csoundSetOpcodedir_m5336AAF9ED7C0536A7B300879F16E19553CC694A)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)