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Csound weather demo

I took some of the instruments Iain and I shared a while back and put them into a Unity scene. The project can be downloaded here:


  • Import the CsoundUnity package first.
  • Then remove everything but the StreamingAssets.
  • Then import this package linked above.
  • Then open the Csound file, make an edit and save.
  • Go back to Unity and everything should run fine.

The project makes use of the following free assets:!/content/52251!/content/32236

Walkthrough video::


Very nice!

Amazing ) Rory, you’re the magician, truly. I’m just thinking about how to make procedural weather in unity project for my student work. And that’s the answer ) Thank you for carrying on csound and unity themes )

I could successfully add your Weather.csd to my project, but I hear only left channel ( The rest unity audio sources sounds in stereo. Can’t figure out where I am mistaken?

PS: I only can hear csound modules in my project if AudioSource and AudioListener added to the same game object (main camera). Is it necessary condition?

I found this topic:

The problem was in CsoundUnityScripts, I downloaded it from here

And it works properly only with your CsoundUnityScripts that I took from CsoundWeather Demo.

PS: I’m on mac )

I thought that issue was fixed. I’ll update the sources when I get a chance.

Thank you )