Hi Rory, thanks for checking in. I’ve not had as much time to work on it as I’d have liked to, but have been slowly making my way through the documentation you sent me, and have successfully got some basic VR tests using the OscBankSynth, which at least comforts me in that this method is definitely the one I’ll be going forward with.
As for roadblocks, I’ve come across a few. Mainly in trying to set up some other example .csd’s to work with, in particular the CZSynth which I can’t seem to get a trigger on. I’ve edited the code using the OscBankSynth we worked on as a reference, but I must be missing something obvious.
Here’s my edited version: CZSynth.csd (22.6 KB)
The changes are on lines:
- 192 (adding the test trigger button UI)
- 202 (from: -dm0 -n -+rtmidi=null -M0 to: -n -d)
- 236 (adding the triggerNote button event)
- 418 (from: inum notnum to: inum = p4) Not sure why exactly but I just copied the edit we made on the other synth
- 533 (to add: i 1000 0 z)
- 534 (to add: f0 z)
This seems to compile but there are some warnings in the log so hopefully it’s because of something obvious in my edits.
Further questions:
- What would be the best way to edit synth parameters from within Unity (preferably whilst in playmode) and have the changes saved as a preset? I managed to get a Save button that saves a snapshot working from within Cabbage, would this kind of thing work in Unity or is there a better way?
- I really like the idea of the Patcher window in Cabbage to route an instrument to an effect, would there be any way to use a similar system from within Unity? or even better as a UnityGraph that links up .csd nodes from the editor… That would be awesome.
I did also try getting the LoscilFilePlayer example to work as a sampler, but Unity doesn’t pick up on the “Add file” prompt. I’m thinking I would need to change it from a button to a “drag here” area? That or the CSound instrument loads up the samples automatically seeing as at this point the sample can be pre-defined.