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CSoundUnity Beginner Questions

Oops, yes that’s right, though I was testing it also as simple “i5 0 3 60 1” which got the same sound result.

You’re right about the string interpolation, that looks much cleaner.

so the problem persists?

Yeah same issue still.

Tried the csd, I can confirm your result: what I hear is like an aliasing, very strange!
I can also say it could be a sample rate problem: on macOS the note I hear is lower than yours, about a semitone lower. That is something I noticed some time ago. I think we should look again into the sample rate settings and find what’s wrong. Let’s hope @rorywalsh has some ideas…

Hi guys, sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I do hear an issue. Sorry, I never noticed it yesterdasy as the sound was coming from my Occulus headset, that was positioned not on my head, but on my desk! I think the problem is with the widgets Iain is using, namely the combobox boxes, which aren’t supported. I think what we are hearing is Waveform - Noise setting. Let me swap out the combobox boxes for sliders and see how it is…

[edit] CZSynth.csd (23.1 KB) is a little better but still not picking up the complete default values from Iain’s, but a step in the right direction… I’m going to sort the combobox issue now, so that by default, CsoundUnity will convert them to sliders…

See next post…

I’ve just pushed support for comboboxes to the develop branch. The CZSynth example sounds much better now I think.

Hi @rorywalsh, that seems to have fixed it. With a few adjustments they sound identical which is great.

It seems though that when I go to change params on the synth in playmode and hop to a different GameObject some parameters go back to default whilst others don’t (visually everything looks like it goes back to default but not sonically). This is the same with the OscBankSynth btw.

Oh, I’ve just seen @giovannibedetti’s post from yesterday CsoundUnity Package (UPM) development
If I’m understanding correctly that would solve the issue I’m referring to?

I think this is true. As a workaround you can save a preset of the CsoundUnity inspector, or use CopyComponent, and then reapply when coming back to the same GameObject.

For now it does not produce sound at all so it brings more problem instead of solving them. But yes the aim is changing how CsoundUnity stores things in the editor.
But I have just finished developing (with a complete rewrite of the Editor script), so now it’s just a matter of finding what’s wrong with it :sweat_smile:

I didn’t even know one could do this :see_no_evil: Nice one. It’s not a bad stop-gap solution.

Yes this is a trick you learn when you modify lots of things around while in play mode, and then you stop and lose everything :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Oh wow. My life just got a lot less frustrating!!

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First thing I tried yesterday! Doesn’t seem to pick up on the changes, visual or sonic though.

It’s because it reparses the csd everytime you select the GameObject in the inspector, calling OnEnable of the Editor script. This is one of the reasons of the rewrite :sweat_smile:
So for now note the values you change by hand :roll_eyes:

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Id love to participate <3 hit me up! @Alex_Emile :slight_smile: you can use my contact form on my site :slight_smile:

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