Hello everyone,
Thank you for all the work put into CsoundUnity 3.0!
Me and a couple colleagues from Berklee College of Music are trying to design Csound based interactive systems for the Quest.
The “Process Clip Audio” feature in CsoundUnity is amazing and works really well in the editor by playing a sample from the audiosource and getting the audio into Csound with the inch opcode.
But when we build the game for Android and activate the GameObject that contains the CsoundUnity component with the “Process Clip Audio” turned on inside the Quest, the game crashes. Are we missing anything? Is there any available solution to this issue?
All the other functionalities we are using of CsoundUnity work great in the Quest though!
We could definitely use some of the great audiofile player opcodes in Csound but the capacity of processing samples from Unity`s audio source makes Csound catalog much more accessible for folks that are just starting with Unity and/or Csound.
I have seem a similar thread in the Forum but I think it is addressing a different issue.
Please let me know.