It was brought to me attention that the use of Csound to control filmstrip sliders only works when a plugin is active. For most hosts this is fine, but for Cubase and Logic it means that the sliders won’t update their images UNTIL you hit play in the host.
To get past this issue, I’ve added a new filmstrip()
identifier that you can use with sliders:
filmstrip(“filename”, numFrames, “orientation”) The filmstrip
identifier allow users to use a filmstrip style .png to skin their sliders. “filename” is the name of the .png file to be used. numFrames
is the number of frames in the film strip image. “orientation” should be ‘vertical’ or ‘horiztonal’. This tells Cabbage which way the frames are aligned. If you leave out the orientation, Cabbage will default to vertical.
An example is shown below (Sliders sourced from
This feature will be available in the following beta build, once it’s complete.