Congrats on the first centi-thread!
Looks like just the three of us have it so far
Anyways… the initial tests are looking fantastic! I’ve tested popups with prefixes only, and some with both. Some with newlines, some without. All cases appear to be working great both in native mode and with filmstrips.
All of my tests are using popupprefix and popuppostfix, and are only being tested in cabbage (not exported to DAW). So I’m not sure of the state or implications to prefix/postfix on their own. Hopefully they all tie together cleanly?
I’m not too worried about it yet, but it’s possible to make rsliders with filmstrips skew to oval when native rendering is still circle… I think it’s because native rendering “fixes” the aspect ratio. For example (made up numbers), if it’s 100x100 to start, and you add text and valuetextbox, you’re left with 100x80 for the knob. Native rendering fixes it to render as 80x80, but filmstrip knobs will render as the available 100x80.
I need to think about it… but that MIGHT be the correct behavior anyway. I need to consider different use cases, such as non-square filmstrips, hsliders, vslider, etc. I’ve been primarily sticking to squared up rsliders.
Slightly related… what’s the state of windows builds? The last few appear to have failed, but I didn’t look too closely yet since I’m not actually at a win machine. I had planned on taking another look at my project in win, and trying to figure out why you were having trouble with my examples. Last I had checked everything seemed to work for me…