Hi there!
I’m having a bit of a problem to make FMOD Csound Plugins (Compiled in Cabagge) work on my Unity builds. I followed Rory’s videotutorial and didn’t help fix it either.
The two plug-ins I’m using are working as intended in both FMOD Studio and the Unity Editor (Adding them in the Dynamic Plugins list of the FMOD setting after placing both .DLL and .CSD files in the “Assets>Plugins>FMOD>platforms>win>lib>x86_64” folder), but when I made any builds I keep getting the error about FMOD not being able to find the Plug-in file.
This was kinda solved this when I realised the build files didn’t contain the .CSD files, so adding them next to the .DLLs made it work wonderful… On my own system. If I send the build over to another PC, it’s more than likely to keep serving the error even with both files inside its “DevBuild\Data\Plugins\x86_64” folder.
I also tried adding them as FMOD Static Plugins but IL2CPP fails building because it apparently cannot find the files either(?) (Linker error LNK2019 iirc)
I’ve tried a bunch of stuff over the past few days but I cannot figure out how to make it work. Any advice?
Cabbage 2.8.0
Unity 2020.3.25f1
FMOD Studio 2.02.08
FMOD Studio Unity Integration 2.02.07
Thank you!
PS: Those are the Plug-ins:
gate.csd (14.1 KB) PhaseInvert.csd (4.4 KB)