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guiMode("queue") crash

guiMode("queue") seems to be causing crashes (freeze - spinning beachball) when updating multiple widgets or a single widget at a high rate of update. The old guiMode seems to be able to handle similar performance demands so I have attached examples of each. It usually crashes after some seconds.

I suspect this is a recently emerging issue as I have csds that worked fine a few months ago that are no longer reliable. This is tested on Mac using the May 4 Cabbage build.

testPolling.csd (1.2 KB) testQueue.csd (1.1 KB)

Thanks Iain. I’m going to ping @Andy.Fillebrown as it looks like it might have something to do with a patch he submitted. Andy, would you mind taking a look? The .csd in question works fine before this merge.

@iainmccurdy, I’ve rolled back to a previous build for now. Can you test when it is done in DevOps? Andy is going to look into the issue, but for now he suggested I roll back so we don’t upset the millions of Cabbage users out there :slight_smile:

Thanks, Rory. I was indeed responding to a complaint from one of the millions of Cabbage users.

Unfortunately the build you triggered yesterday failed to complete.

Thanks Iain, trying to a new build now…

Thanks, Rory. There still seems to be a problem though. This one using guiMode("queue") lasts for about 20 seconds before stalling. (The screen capture doesn’t pick up the spinning beach ball.) I’ll try and investigate further.

I’ll roll back to another version. It’s good to know that it’s not the PR from @Andy.Fillebrown that did the damage. Looks like I have to take responsibility for this mess 🫣

Ok, I think I may have simply messed up the roll back. Can you double check the version number that’s working for you? I’ve triggered a new build in the meantime that hopefully reverts back to 227.

Same crashing behaviour with the build you created today.

I checked it on another Mac machine and it’s the same. :frowning:

I’m running .222 and get no crash, is that the last stable build?

Is there an archive back to .222? The Azure listing of Runs only goes back to .226.

I’m building version .224 now. Should be available in an hour or so. If that doesn’t work, we’ll go back another. Apologies for the delay in this. :confounded:

Apologies for not getting to this sooner (was cycling round Dingle). Anyway, the issues I reported previously seem to have been addressed by reverting.

Sorry, I may have spoken too soon:

The polling version still runs without crashing. Let me know if you have any suggestions.

Hi @iainmccurdy, I hope you got nice weather or Dingle :wink: I’m spending the rest of the summer in Germany, where the weather is outstanding as usual!

Do you have any idea what version was actually working Ok for you? I’ve rolled back all the way to 2.9.203 and it still crashes. It’s weird because when I tested it with 222 it seems to work fine, but maybe I didn’t leave it run longer enough.

It’s solid on the most recent official release. I’m afraid I don’t have any other interim beta versions to try.

Enjoy your summer in Germany!

Oh wow, I’ll have to dust off the time machine. Might be better then to roll forward in time and tackle this fresh. The problem is the crash is somewhat special. I can’t get any info about it when debugging. It just stops. Leave it with me then :+1:

Right. This it’s hanging is because of the rate at which you’re updating the table (most likely due to a threading issue). I was scratching my head wondering why it works with the old guiMode() when I remembered that Cabbage throttles updates in the older system. It works fine for me with an update rate of 32Hz, but that’s probably overkill too. I’ve rolled back/forward to .228 so we get to keep those hrange slider updates. Let me know if you have any better look with a slower update rate.