hey folks, back again with another issue on my Constellation project. i have discovered that the sync between my various Csound sequencer instances is slightly off. i recall that Rory cautioned me about this issue, so it’s not surprising to encounter it.
while i know that the ultimate solution will be to make all 16 layers in one script i’m curious if there might be a way to utilize audioSettings.dspTime in Unity to schedule the enabling of Csound. right now in my testing i’m using Update or FixedUpdate and the results aren’t too good. i’m looping through each Layer and enabling the sequencer but it results in the odd and even numbered channels being about 100 msec apart in timing. this is at 60 bpm at the moment.
i have the flexibility to delay compensate since there currently is no live triggering needed, so i could hold playback for the less latent tracks until they catch up to the even numbered ones. right now i’m utilizing Echo plugins on the Unity Mixer but and it actually seems to work pretty well, but would be interesting to explore other methods to schedule playback.
anyway just curious what’s possible!