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Pre-release Cabbage 2 for testing - part 8

Hello Rory and all,
New beta release of cabbage 2 means new topic for keeping it clear.
Here is a list of bugs which were in previous version :

* radiogroup does not update after last member is triggered : SOLVED

  • Changing slider value : the slider on screen is not getting updated :SOLVED
  • Buttons and latched() : SOLVED
  • min() and max() of encoder work now : SOLVED

So, this is really great ! It works much better.

[EDITED] New or to be soon fixed :

  • All soundfilers are placed according to coordinates in main windows (they are not attached to parent groupbox) {SOLVED}
    * Same behaviour for images (not parent groupbox) {SOLVED}
    * Same behaviour for groupbox also, they cannot be nested {SOLVED}

  • Same behaviour for labels {SOLVED}

  • Loading presets has still an issue whith reloading files into soundfilers. Other widgets seems to load fine the presets… [Work around available .see below in this post]

  • radiogroup bound to only one groupbox, items outside groupbox do not respond to groupbox (@iainmccurdy posted about it : Pre-release Cabbage 2 for testing - part 6)

  • Encoder does not take into account initial value when set with value(x), it does not seem to accept sliderincr(x) with x<1. EDIT : encoder need the range() property to work correctly {SOLVED}
    * Encoder does not respond to mouse wheel (unlike rslider). Could this be implemented? [IMPLEMENTED]

  • Combobox selected item disappear when loading a file into function table + soundfiler [SOLVED]

  • Somehow, new opcodes are not recognised (i.e. midiarp ) {SOLVED see below}

  • macro #define : first term of the macro is ignored => temporary fix : repeat the first term in the macro> i.e.
    #define MYMACRO colour("black") colour("black") ....


  • Cabbage help does not show
  • Search window in editor an disappear and not come back: Open a file, open search window and search for a term, open another csd file , come back to first panel: search window has disappear and cannot be called back. [SOLVED]

* Open filebutton could remember previously opened directory [IMPLEMENTED]

See updated demo below.
cabb2-bugs.csd (4.4 KB)

Thanks for checking. I can’t say how thankful I am. I read a blog recently that argued beta testers are the most important piece in any software puzzle. I’m inclined to agree! I’ll get these sorted early next week.

Hello Rory,

Rather than making many posts, I will update the first post with new bugs. I hope this will help you to better monitor the progress and the fixes.
I will also update the CSD file showing the bugs on that post.
Hope this helps,

These should be Ok now again. Apologies. They were working and then I messed them up! I’ll try to get around to the next few later today or tomorrow. Btw, the midiarp opcode should work. Are you sure you have the very latest version of Csound installed? It may be that Cabbage is picking up an older version of Csound. Try renaming your older Cabbage installation directory and see if that helps. The OSC stuff should be available too. It should all ship with the latest version.

Indeed , I renamed the old Csound. Last version I installed was the one offered for download 6.09.0.
From the csound command line I can get the midiarp but not from cabbage.
BTW, where does cabbage store the file path to access Csound ? I did not find it in appData/roaming

Check your system environment variables. You should have a CABBAGE_OPCODE_PATH set to the directory of your Csound install?

Oh oh, no, it points to its own directory (cabbage canonical)

Actually, that probably doesn’t even matter. If it doesn’t find Csound there is should find it from the path and OPCODE6DIR64?

OPCODE6DIR64 points to C:\Program Files\Csound6_x64\plugins64\

That’s correct. midiarp isn’t even a plugin opcode. It’s bundled into csound64.dll. Can you make sure that there is no csound64.dll in your current Cabbage directory? It appears that Cabbage is loaded the wrong csound64.dll/ Btw, do the OSC opcodes work now?

Did you upload a new version of Cabbage 2 ? I just reinstalled cabbage 2. As far I see, I still have the version of the 6th July.

[EDIT] : Solved the problem by copying csound.dll into cabbagecanonical directory

Ok, that’s good to know. I’m uploading a new version now. I still have a few of your bugs to fix, but you can at least see if the plant issue has been resolved. I’ll update the link when it’s finished uploading.

[edit] try now from the beta releases page…

thank you Rory,

Now testing new version : see first post for updates.

Found a way to ensure that soundfilers are updated when reloading preset.

The soluce is so simple that… I should have thought about it earlier.

What needs to be done is to check the combobox for change :

gkCombo chnget "ComboBoxPreset"
kComboChnged changed gkCombo 
if kComboChnged  ==1 then 
     event "i", "LoadFileToSoundFiler",0,0   ; call instrument for loading files into soundfilers.

Hope this will save time to others

That’s great. And thanks for posting, I’m sure it will be of use to others.

I posted an example into recipes topic :slight_smile:

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It seems that any plugins I export with the latest Cabbage 2 (July 12th) can not be loaded by my DAWs. Reaper just does not list them, and Live says the plugin could not be loaded when I try to use them. Older Cabbage plugs work fine, and the csds I use also worked fine before exporting them with the latest Cabbage. I do have my own build of Csound (July 13th), since there was some changes that narrowly escaped the latest binary release. Should I expect it to work with a Csound version I built here (with mingw)?

Just tested with the Csound binary release of 6.09.1 for windows too (June 10th), and the plugs exported from the latest Cabbage 2 can not be loaded, just like as when using my own Csound build. Does it work for other windows users?

Took me ages to build new cabbage from github. I have a version which works with csound official release 6.09 of 22 may and vst plug-ins are OK with reaper. Do you want me to upload it?
I attach the CZSynth from the example turned into a VST. Could you try it and let me know ? (3.0 MB)

Oh, that would be very nice, thanks! The CZSynth instrument runs fine here, also with my own Csound build.