Hello Rory and all,
New beta release of cabbage 2 means new topic for keeping it clear.
Here is a list of bugs which were in previous version :
* radiogroup does not update after last member is triggered : SOLVED
Changing slider value : the slider on screen is not getting updated:SOLVED -
Buttons and latched(): SOLVED -
min() and max() of encoder work now: SOLVED
So, this is really great ! It works much better.
[EDITED] New or to be soon fixed :
All soundfilers are placed according to coordinates in main windows (they are not attached to parent groupbox){SOLVED}
*Same behaviour for images (not parent groupbox){SOLVED}
*Same behaviour for groupbox also, they cannot be nested{SOLVED} -
Same behaviour for labels{SOLVED} -
Loading presets has still an issue whith reloading files into soundfilers. Other widgets seems to load fine the presets…[Work around available .see below in this post] -
radiogroup bound to only one groupbox, items outside groupbox do not respond to groupbox (@iainmccurdy posted about it : Pre-release Cabbage 2 for testing - part 6)
Encoder does not take into account initial value when set with value(x), it does not seem to accept sliderincr(x) with x<1. EDIT : encoder need the range() property to work correctly{SOLVED}
*Encoder does not respond to mouse wheel (unlike rslider). Could this be implemented?[IMPLEMENTED] -
Combobox selected item disappear when loading a file into function table + soundfiler[SOLVED] -
Somehow, new opcodes are not recognised (i.e. midiarp ){SOLVED see below} -
macro #define : first term of the macro is ignored => temporary fix : repeat the first term in the macro> i.e.[SOLVED]
#define MYMACRO colour("black") colour("black") ....
- Cabbage help does not show
Search window in editor an disappear and not come back: Open a file, open search window and search for a term, open another csd file , come back to first panel: search window has disappear and cannot be called back.[SOLVED]
* Open filebutton could remember previously opened directory [IMPLEMENTED]
See updated demo below.
cabb2-bugs.csd (4.4 KB)